Sunday, October 23, 2011

Time for a picture break.

Sorry for the lack of posts and pics of late. Things have gotten a bit crazy in our lives. Here are some pics and I will try to add more tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Too Busy

It is amazing how busy you can get when you have a three-month old in the house. How much the time revolves around his good moods, his bad moods, his feeding, his sleeping, his playing, his diapers, and whatever else he decides to have us do. I am really trying to be better about updated this blog and making sure that people can see him here is my attempt to start updating again more often.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Part two just pics

Hey mom, daddy is teaching me to stick out my tongue.

No pics during bath time what are you thinking!!!

Hurry up and dry me dad.
No more pics dad, dress me and keep me warm.

Really, another picture..come on you two.
Why does the baby get all of the new toys, what about me?

Loaded with pics part 1

I will try to get two sets of pics on here. Things have been busy the last few weeks with new teacher training, earthquakes, hurricanes, and my new schools power outage. I will do better about my updates so everyone can see.

Leave me alone dad, I need my sleep.
Sweet dreams

So there how the crying creature gets around.
So what do you want to talk about dad?

Friday, August 12, 2011

First Video

Finally a quick video I record yesterday. I will have more in the coming weeks. Still trying to find the balance of crying, lack of sleep and play time.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Amazing

It's amazing how much a little 7 pound boy can change the lives of two people so much. Aside from the lack of sleep, ever changing schedule and crazy amounts of diapers one will go through it is amazing how much love you can have for your own baby boy. Jackie and I have found ourselves staring at him as he eats, sleeps or just laying around.

We have, of course, begun the discussions of who he looks like; whose eyes, hair, skin, demeanor and sleeping position he has. We are in debate over his eyes which are now blue but seem to be ever changing. The hair is looking to have the slight curls of dad. We are glad that he has a relatively calm disposition (though we know that in a baby that can change in a instant and for no apparent reason). The sleeping is great (well the position at least), he is still waking up and seems to now know what day or night is but doesn't always adhere to it. No matter how we lay him or what we wedge around him he is a slide sleeper just like his daddy. The arm goes up by his head and on the side he goes. Then he goes right into, as Jackie calls it his condor/trumpet routine. He likes to chirp and twist and turn throwing his arms around making us believe he is waking up or awake. When we walk over, he is fast asleep. Silly little tricky Nathaniel.

He is doing well feeding though he likes to try to eat too much and has begun spitting up all over his nice new clean outfits. He is still too small for bibs, but I am trying anything from napkins, to paper towels, to blankets.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I think we are starting to get some basic form of a sleep pattern down. I have been able to let Jackie go down early and try to take the night shift until 2am. Then I put Nathaniel down and let Jackie take back over. He normally wakes her up at 3:30ish with a diaper, but we are still working the kinks out. It is amazing to see how much a small 7 pound boy can bring joy to your life even when you are dead tired, but it is wonderful and we can't wait to continue to see the joy that he will bring into our lives. I thank the Lord for this bundle and can't wait to see him grown in the Lord.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just pics

Here are some pics, I will try to post tomorrow.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Visitation day

We had a nice day full of visitors today. I was wonderful to have so many people stop buy, but we are ready to settle down and try to get a little rest this evening. The type of rest they give you in the hospital to check vitals, feed the baby, and general hospital busyness. We think we are going home tommorrow and we are so excited to be able to introduce Nathaniel to fury little Tumnus waiting at home for us. We get our last little class were we get to watch bathing, diapar changing and last minute baby stuff. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

Day 2 into 3

We have made it past 24 hours and
haven't collapsed. We are definitely tired, but were able to get a little sleep last night. They are coming in every three hours to feed but the mini naps are helping. Nathaniel Patrick is becoming himself more and more every day. Here are a few
more pics. We will be here at the hospital until Sunday afternoon. Then
we are apparently trusted to take him
home and take care of things ourselves.

Friday, June 17, 2011

975 turned into Nathaniel Patrick

Good morning everyone,

Jackie and I were amazed as we welcomed Nathaniel Patrick into our lives last night. I got a call at 1:32pm and Jackie told me that she had been having semi-consistent contractions since 11:30. She had already called the doctor and they wanted us to come in. When we got to the doctor we sat and waited to be seen for about 30 minutes. As before, they began to subside and we thought it was another false alarm. Even after seeing the doctor they thought the contractions were done for today. There was a brief discussion about whether or not to monitor us just to see...thankfully we went on monitor. Once we were on monitor we had contractions every 7-9 minutes. They decided to send us over to labor and delivery to have some additional monitoring (I think the fact they were closing in 20 minutes helped this decision (: ). We got to labor and delivery around 5:15. They hooked us up to the monitor and the contractions took off. The anesthesiologist came in and the race began. Doctors came in out out to talk, give shots, and prep. They took Jackie back, me 10 minutes later and then at 6:51 we had our little baby boy.

He weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and was 19 in long. He stayed in the nursery until about 1:30 am were we kept him for 2 hours before we needed some much needed rest. We slept on and off until they brought him back down at 5:30. We are little rested, clean, fed, and happy to be holding Nathaniel. We will try to get more pics and keep you up-to-date.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Getting there...

We are still playing the waiting game and are trying to get the last minute things taken care of, even though we have no idea when the last minute will be. :)
Jackie is 34 weeks as of last Friday and we are told that anytime in the next 6 maybe it. So it is exciting, anxious, and crazy all at the same time. I know that the Lord will bring us our boy in His own time, but we are both so ready to hold him. Here are a few pics of the latest nursery upgrades.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April Pics

Hey All, this is about 30-31 weeks. We are running around using spring break to get the house updated, the babies room in more order and general house cleaning that won't get done in a short 10-weeks. We are so excited and can't wait to see our bundle of joy and try our best to be parents.

We are so glad that we are going to have our summer to delve into this crazy, stressful, amazing, and wonderful journey. It is fun to hear all the possible names people are trying to pull out of us, but we are steadfast/stubborn (at least I am) in only telling you that it is 9-7-5. Until next time...and I will try my best to make sure next time is more weekly that the random monthly that I have been.
Love you all

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Small update

Pic taken in February, need to take some more and will add pics as we go. We have been in the process of updating the house, putting together furniture and updating and getting the small things ready for the new coming boy (975).

Office with new paint and rearranged. One of the four new rooms with paint jobs and decoration change. I guess the nesting started early for the both of us.

One more piece added to the nursery. The crib, chair, and changing table are in and together. Now some finishing touches with nightstand and bookshelf and we will be ready.

I will try to get my pics together and add some more posts over the next week. We are out on Spring Break and I will have time to sit down and organize a bit. We are so excited, nervous, and going crazy trying to make sure we have everything in place...only to realize when it is time that we have forgotten everything. :)