Thursday, April 21, 2011

April Pics

Hey All, this is about 30-31 weeks. We are running around using spring break to get the house updated, the babies room in more order and general house cleaning that won't get done in a short 10-weeks. We are so excited and can't wait to see our bundle of joy and try our best to be parents.

We are so glad that we are going to have our summer to delve into this crazy, stressful, amazing, and wonderful journey. It is fun to hear all the possible names people are trying to pull out of us, but we are steadfast/stubborn (at least I am) in only telling you that it is 9-7-5. Until next time...and I will try my best to make sure next time is more weekly that the random monthly that I have been.
Love you all

1 comment:

Alden and Dorian said...

Hi you two (3!)! LOVE the new pics ~ Jackie looks adorable, the crib is awesome and love all the new painted organized rooms. Good job guys. Isn't it GREAT to have some time over Spring Break to get some things done. How fun that you will have summer to bond with your precious son. We can't wait to meet him. :) Love you!