Saturday, April 16, 2011

Small update

Pic taken in February, need to take some more and will add pics as we go. We have been in the process of updating the house, putting together furniture and updating and getting the small things ready for the new coming boy (975).

Office with new paint and rearranged. One of the four new rooms with paint jobs and decoration change. I guess the nesting started early for the both of us.

One more piece added to the nursery. The crib, chair, and changing table are in and together. Now some finishing touches with nightstand and bookshelf and we will be ready.

I will try to get my pics together and add some more posts over the next week. We are out on Spring Break and I will have time to sit down and organize a bit. We are so excited, nervous, and going crazy trying to make sure we have everything in place...only to realize when it is time that we have forgotten everything. :)

1 comment:

Kim said...

love all the up dayes hope all is well..