Saturday, June 18, 2011

Visitation day

We had a nice day full of visitors today. I was wonderful to have so many people stop buy, but we are ready to settle down and try to get a little rest this evening. The type of rest they give you in the hospital to check vitals, feed the baby, and general hospital busyness. We think we are going home tommorrow and we are so excited to be able to introduce Nathaniel to fury little Tumnus waiting at home for us. We get our last little class were we get to watch bathing, diapar changing and last minute baby stuff. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.


A Belle in Beantown said...
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Kim said...

hope you both had a good first night home and all went well.know it well be, can't wait to here all about it also. love you mom S

Alden and Dorian said...

What a precious family you are ~ Nathaniel is such a wonderful addition. It was SO good to meet little Nathaniel and visit with you both. You will make GREAT parents! Praying for you and loving you!