Friday, June 17, 2011

975 turned into Nathaniel Patrick

Good morning everyone,

Jackie and I were amazed as we welcomed Nathaniel Patrick into our lives last night. I got a call at 1:32pm and Jackie told me that she had been having semi-consistent contractions since 11:30. She had already called the doctor and they wanted us to come in. When we got to the doctor we sat and waited to be seen for about 30 minutes. As before, they began to subside and we thought it was another false alarm. Even after seeing the doctor they thought the contractions were done for today. There was a brief discussion about whether or not to monitor us just to see...thankfully we went on monitor. Once we were on monitor we had contractions every 7-9 minutes. They decided to send us over to labor and delivery to have some additional monitoring (I think the fact they were closing in 20 minutes helped this decision (: ). We got to labor and delivery around 5:15. They hooked us up to the monitor and the contractions took off. The anesthesiologist came in and the race began. Doctors came in out out to talk, give shots, and prep. They took Jackie back, me 10 minutes later and then at 6:51 we had our little baby boy.

He weighed 6 lbs 10 oz and was 19 in long. He stayed in the nursery until about 1:30 am were we kept him for 2 hours before we needed some much needed rest. We slept on and off until they brought him back down at 5:30. We are little rested, clean, fed, and happy to be holding Nathaniel. We will try to get more pics and keep you up-to-date.


Kim said...

yea little one is here just got back fron service. all said congradulations.... hugs u well see you all tomorrow. mom

Alden and Dorian said...

We loved hearing about the day Nathaniel was born! So exciting! We are so happy for you. Nathaniel is adorable. Thanking God for his safe arrival. Hugs all around!