Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I think we are starting to get some basic form of a sleep pattern down. I have been able to let Jackie go down early and try to take the night shift until 2am. Then I put Nathaniel down and let Jackie take back over. He normally wakes her up at 3:30ish with a diaper, but we are still working the kinks out. It is amazing to see how much a small 7 pound boy can bring joy to your life even when you are dead tired, but it is wonderful and we can't wait to continue to see the joy that he will bring into our lives. I thank the Lord for this bundle and can't wait to see him grown in the Lord.


Heather said...

I see he keeps taking one of his mittens off! Too funny1 :)

Alden and Dorian said...

I LOVE the new photo and sure appreciate the "lack of sleep" at this point. Isn't it amazing how that sweet bundle provides such pure JOY. We love you guys. You are doing GREAT!

Kim said...

love the picture and seeing you he is so sweet... wish i was a little closer. well get by when you are a little up on your rest....
love you mom