Monday, February 22, 2010

Were here...

Yes we are here and not lost to all the world. Just neglectful to the world of blogging. I keep telling myself that I am going to do better and update on a regular basis, but then I get doing other things that life brings about. We had such great plans to put great snow pictures, great valentine pictures, great winter pictures, but what happened oh yeah. In one way or another I got lazy. But no more, I am going to dedicate myself to keeping out Blog up to date as best as I can. I mean if I want people to know what is going on in the world of me and Jackie what else am I going to do. I also need to get back into a routine as more than the blog is suffering in my lassiez-faire attitude. I need to refocus my life and my walk with the Lord so that I know I am walking in the Light of the Lord instead of the shade of life.
Me and Jackie are doing well and just in the midst of the middle of the school year dregs. The kids are just coming back from over two weeks off of school so they are having to relearn the material and refocus and SOL's will quickly approach us and make all the stress flood back into the school. But that is all for now as I will talk to you again soon. God Bless.

"Do whats right because it right and let the chips fall where they may"


Kim said...

Glad to here from you . glad ok and all is going well.
glad back and going somewhat well. Love you mom

Kim said...

That was a honor for you jackie. loved the pictures also. interresting article also...
Have a good weekend . was good talking to you brandon. love you mom