Thursday, August 6, 2009

School is coming to an end and...

Well the summer is comng to an end and the time to prepare for work has begun. Jackie has already started back for the year and I will start the 17th with the students rushing back to us on the 24th. I must say that it is a nice welcomed change. I am ready to get back to working with students. I have enjoyed the few times I have had to relax and the vacation to the Caribbean. I am going to try to post on a more regular basis throughout the year so that those few who follow with know what is going on.

1 comment:

Alden and Dorian said...

It is so good to stay in touch Brandon! Thanks for wanting to post more often ~ it will be great knowing how you guys are. I'm thankful you both had a good summer and now the school year is about to begin. I head back the am enjoying these last two weeks of summer and "my time". Love you guys.