Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back for teachers

Well I officially start back to school this week for teacher training. I have enjoyed my summer but it has come to an end. We have time this week to set up our rooms and get our lessons together for the first week. We will get our schedules and class rosters. Here are a few shots of my is pretty big so I have to find stuff to fill up the space with. We are still bummed that we are not in the same school, but our hope is that after this year that I will be able to make it back over to Spotsy. We just enjoy one saving gas, but also have time together on the ride to and from home. That way we don't feel so bad doing our own things in the evening if we have or want to.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

School is coming to an end and...

Well the summer is comng to an end and the time to prepare for work has begun. Jackie has already started back for the year and I will start the 17th with the students rushing back to us on the 24th. I must say that it is a nice welcomed change. I am ready to get back to working with students. I have enjoyed the few times I have had to relax and the vacation to the Caribbean. I am going to try to post on a more regular basis throughout the year so that those few who follow with know what is going on.