Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back for teachers

Well I officially start back to school this week for teacher training. I have enjoyed my summer but it has come to an end. We have time this week to set up our rooms and get our lessons together for the first week. We will get our schedules and class rosters. Here are a few shots of my is pretty big so I have to find stuff to fill up the space with. We are still bummed that we are not in the same school, but our hope is that after this year that I will be able to make it back over to Spotsy. We just enjoy one saving gas, but also have time together on the ride to and from home. That way we don't feel so bad doing our own things in the evening if we have or want to.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

School is coming to an end and...

Well the summer is comng to an end and the time to prepare for work has begun. Jackie has already started back for the year and I will start the 17th with the students rushing back to us on the 24th. I must say that it is a nice welcomed change. I am ready to get back to working with students. I have enjoyed the few times I have had to relax and the vacation to the Caribbean. I am going to try to post on a more regular basis throughout the year so that those few who follow with know what is going on.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer Update

Summer officially began on June 13th and its been wonderful. Brandon is now one of the train conductor's at Short Pump mall (pics to come later). Jackie has been working her summer hours as dictated by the office which include ten hour days. We were fortunate enough to have time to take an eight day cruise on the Carnival Freedom out of Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. Our ports of call included Cozumel, Mexico; Limon, Costa Rica; and Colon, Panama. We returned to the Mayan Ruins of Tulum in Mexico where this picture was taken. This time, however, we brought our suits so we were able to enjoy the awesome beach below.

Costa Rica attacked us!!!

We started our excursion in Costa Rica with a bicycle ride through the jungle and a town. Then we descended to the rapids of the Reventazon River. We think the translation is roughly "explosion." That is exactly what happened to us. We were minding our own business paddling when the river threw us out of the raft. After a drenching soak in the river (lungs and all), we resumed our ride. It was awesome! We survived and therefore won.

Our last port in Panama was uneventful and somewhat disappointing. Overall, the cruise was great.
As July comes to a close, Jackie will resume work August 3rd. Brandon starts at his new school (same county) August 17th but is very busy driving the train until then.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Smith (M Ed x2)

The day has finally come. I am getting my Master's on Saturday, and as much of a pain as it was I am happily ready to be done. So now there are two M Ed in the house at 913 Kilby Station Rd. Both me and Jackie were also informed about two weeks ago that we would both be back into the county, but that we would have to wait to determine what school we will be at (Rusty...our wonderful principal is trying to get us both back). We want to be back as well we love our school and our kids. So I will be able to update my blog on a more regular basis. I will be able to find out what it means to sleep a normal nights sleep, I will be go spend more quality time with Jackie and our kitties. The days of staying up to research and type papers is over. What a wonder time. Hopefully, that will open up my schedule to get back in contact and see more of you on a regular basis. I knew that God would get me through this, but it was a long and stressful journey. His grace and mercy has gotten me through this and will continue to guide me in my journey of life.

God Bless
Brandon Smith M Ed.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Blessings of Snow.

Ahhh, A much needed snow day tomorrow. I have neglected my blog for too long, and I have so much to share. I have been running around like a crazy rabbit these past few months and can't wait for May. I am taking 4 graduate classes to be able to finish by May so that my teaching license doesn't expire and so I can work next fall. But, then about a month ago me and Jackie find out the same day that due to budget shortfalls, we will not have contracts next year. Well then we are infomred that we are on a call back list. This means that if someone leaves or retires then we get called if we are at the top of the list. But there is no way to find out where you are on your list. So you just have to wait. Ahhh.
So we are just waiting now and hoping that this stimulus will help both me and Jackie as well as all the others on the list as well. This are nuts, things are busy, but we are good. God is Good and always provides. Especially when you need a SNOW DAY.