Friday, July 22, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Amazing

It's amazing how much a little 7 pound boy can change the lives of two people so much. Aside from the lack of sleep, ever changing schedule and crazy amounts of diapers one will go through it is amazing how much love you can have for your own baby boy. Jackie and I have found ourselves staring at him as he eats, sleeps or just laying around.

We have, of course, begun the discussions of who he looks like; whose eyes, hair, skin, demeanor and sleeping position he has. We are in debate over his eyes which are now blue but seem to be ever changing. The hair is looking to have the slight curls of dad. We are glad that he has a relatively calm disposition (though we know that in a baby that can change in a instant and for no apparent reason). The sleeping is great (well the position at least), he is still waking up and seems to now know what day or night is but doesn't always adhere to it. No matter how we lay him or what we wedge around him he is a slide sleeper just like his daddy. The arm goes up by his head and on the side he goes. Then he goes right into, as Jackie calls it his condor/trumpet routine. He likes to chirp and twist and turn throwing his arms around making us believe he is waking up or awake. When we walk over, he is fast asleep. Silly little tricky Nathaniel.

He is doing well feeding though he likes to try to eat too much and has begun spitting up all over his nice new clean outfits. He is still too small for bibs, but I am trying anything from napkins, to paper towels, to blankets.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I think we are starting to get some basic form of a sleep pattern down. I have been able to let Jackie go down early and try to take the night shift until 2am. Then I put Nathaniel down and let Jackie take back over. He normally wakes her up at 3:30ish with a diaper, but we are still working the kinks out. It is amazing to see how much a small 7 pound boy can bring joy to your life even when you are dead tired, but it is wonderful and we can't wait to continue to see the joy that he will bring into our lives. I thank the Lord for this bundle and can't wait to see him grown in the Lord.