Friday, June 27, 2008

Gid is good

I left work yesterday with a message to call Jackie's principal back. After talking to him I accepted a postition as a special education math teacher at Spotsylvania High School. I will be going up there on Monday to sign my letter of intent. I am saddened at having to leave my current job, but am excited about the doors I now have opened in the public school system. But the saving we will have in gas being able to carpool together and with another employee in the area are wonderful. This has been such an answer to prayer. It is hard to remember that God always provides for his children, especially the many things He has given me in my life. I will post more later as I hear more information.
Praise be to the Lord
His servant


Heather said...

Congrats! Very exciting news.

Alden and Dorian said...

Brandon!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW ~ that is fantastic news! We are very happy for you and thankful to God for His answer to prayer and care for you two. We love you and celebrate with you. Lots of love

Kim said...

so enjoy my luch with the two of you mom

Christy -N- Phill said...

Congratulations to you Brandon!! So exciting for you and Jackie. We wish you the best at your new job. I know you will do great. Love, Christy