Thursday, May 1, 2008

What did I sign???

Good evening, me and Jackie signed what is to hopefully be our new house contract this evening. Even though it is contingent on us selling our current house. A little bit about the has no foundation as it is not built yet. It is located in Ashland, Virginia on Kirby Station Rd (913 to be exact). Don't google it yet because remember no foundation yet. We have until the sheet rock goes up hopefully in the next 3-4 months, to back out if our house isn't selling. But all we can do know is pray and see where God leads. I will try to keep the post more up to date and get some pictures of the empty lot and the house as it goes up. Love you all and God Bless

1 comment:

Alden and Dorian said...

Congratulations Brandon and Jackie on your new house!!!!!!!!!! I love your plan and can't wait to see the progress of it being built. We will be praying your house sells in Richmond and that God's timing will be perfect. How absolutely fun! We're excited for you. Have you read our blog? Hannah is graduated from JMU AND Phill and Christy are pregnant! Yahoo! Much joy going on with our families, isn't there! I love it and we love you two. And........thanks for blogging again. It is so GREAT to stay in contact and this is a good way to do it.