Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend Update

Good evening,

The waiting game has begun. We have had our first showing of the house, but we are trying not to get too excited about any showings and the market is great right now. We know that it will sell in His time and all we have to to is wait. We have until the sheet rock goes on on our new place until we have to worry. That is not for another 4-6 months. So right now we are just in waiting. If it sells before our other house is ready, we have a place to stay and will just put our stuff in storage. We looked at final plans last week and added a fireplace and moved a window. In the coming weeks we will meet and discuss colors and carpet. The only downside I can see right now is that if we don't sell our current place, we will have designed a great house for someone else.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Current and Future State of house.

Lot from street

Back of lot

I went by the lot last weekend after signing the contract with the contingency of our selling of 1213 N. 24th St. It is just a bare lot right now, but I also have a few pics of what the house will begin to look like as it goes up.

What the front of the house will look like, plus some siding of course.

Back of house.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What did I sign???

Good evening, me and Jackie signed what is to hopefully be our new house contract this evening. Even though it is contingent on us selling our current house. A little bit about the has no foundation as it is not built yet. It is located in Ashland, Virginia on Kirby Station Rd (913 to be exact). Don't google it yet because remember no foundation yet. We have until the sheet rock goes up hopefully in the next 3-4 months, to back out if our house isn't selling. But all we can do know is pray and see where God leads. I will try to keep the post more up to date and get some pictures of the empty lot and the house as it goes up. Love you all and God Bless