Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Smith (M Ed x2)

The day has finally come. I am getting my Master's on Saturday, and as much of a pain as it was I am happily ready to be done. So now there are two M Ed in the house at 913 Kilby Station Rd. Both me and Jackie were also informed about two weeks ago that we would both be back into the county, but that we would have to wait to determine what school we will be at (Rusty...our wonderful principal is trying to get us both back). We want to be back as well we love our school and our kids. So I will be able to update my blog on a more regular basis. I will be able to find out what it means to sleep a normal nights sleep, I will be go spend more quality time with Jackie and our kitties. The days of staying up to research and type papers is over. What a wonder time. Hopefully, that will open up my schedule to get back in contact and see more of you on a regular basis. I knew that God would get me through this, but it was a long and stressful journey. His grace and mercy has gotten me through this and will continue to guide me in my journey of life.

God Bless
Brandon Smith M Ed.