Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Blessings of Snow.

Ahhh, A much needed snow day tomorrow. I have neglected my blog for too long, and I have so much to share. I have been running around like a crazy rabbit these past few months and can't wait for May. I am taking 4 graduate classes to be able to finish by May so that my teaching license doesn't expire and so I can work next fall. But, then about a month ago me and Jackie find out the same day that due to budget shortfalls, we will not have contracts next year. Well then we are infomred that we are on a call back list. This means that if someone leaves or retires then we get called if we are at the top of the list. But there is no way to find out where you are on your list. So you just have to wait. Ahhh.
So we are just waiting now and hoping that this stimulus will help both me and Jackie as well as all the others on the list as well. This are nuts, things are busy, but we are good. God is Good and always provides. Especially when you need a SNOW DAY.