Wednesday, November 26, 2008

913 Kilby Station Rd

Well, we have finally moved in and have all of our services connected- tv, internet, phone, power, water. It is so nice to have a house again. One that we can decorate, and clean, and cook in. Thankfully we have some time over Thanksgiving to begin the process of after unpacking. Everything is getting out of boxes, but it is nowhere close to where it needs to be. We still need to hang pictures and frames. We really need to put a shed out back, install some more closet shelves for space and all the fun it's-my-house stuff.
I must confess something though. We we packed up all of our books from the old house, we took all of the screws from the bookcases and put them in their own bag inside of a larger bag. Makes sense right??? I will never do that again. We lost the so very important bag and had to go find new ones. I forgot why I dislike moving so much. Too easy to lose things. But, here are a few pics. I will try to to better with the blog now that we have our internet back. :)
Have a great Thanksgiving!

Our New Home

The beginning of the settling in and placing everything were it needs to be. And of course Jackie is relaxing with Tumnus.

The back of the house- still need to
add a shed and a nice outdoor dining table.

And what is a home without
lots of crazy stuffed animals?