Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Job and update on house

Well the new job has definantly kept me busy. Teaching in the public school is a very different joy than teaching in the alternative setting. I love the new job and the kids are great. I have plenty of annoying kids of course, but they are half the fun and trying to get them to listen and behave. But more importantly our house is coming together and hopefully we will be able to close sometime in the beginning of November. I think we will be doing some painting and little decorating prior to moving since we only get plain white on the walls and we want some color. We are hoping to start moving things in on our long Thanksgiving weekend. But here are some updated pics.

The front of the house obviously.

Living room with gas fireplace.


We couldn't post the other pics because it was raining outside, and well...we dont have lighting yet so the shadows are awful. We will post more as it comes together