Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The enviornment can breathe again.

I can say now that I am doing my part for the environment. I had to say goodbye to the trusty Saturn and have purchased a much more fuel efficient Nissan Sentra. I was tired of adding 2 quarts of oil a week and spewing trails of grey smoke down the interstate. It is also a plus that I get up to 36 miles per gallon. No more buying oil and fewer times at the pump what else could I ask for. Oh yeah, more safety features, more airbags and a working horn.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

New Blog

I have finally moved into the modern age. My first blog. I will be attempting to add to this on a regular basis and catching everyone up on the coming and goings of life here in Richmond. I miss you all and will be sending you the link to the blog as I finish. I love and miss you all.